IoT Knowledge

some industrial IoT knowledge you may care about

September 18, 2023

How to write OS image onto Raspberry Pi CM4 eMMC

This blog shows how to mount the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 (CM4) eMMC storage on another computer (in my case is a Windows PC), and […]
March 13, 2023

How CODESYS running on an Industrial Raspberry Pi for Edge Controller

About CODESYS CODESYS is a leading manufacturer-independent IEC 61131-3 integrated automation software development environment for programming controller applications. In this demo we will use Codesys Development […]
June 23, 2022

How an Industrial Raspberry Pi gateway combined with Codesys to solve 3 major challenges in IIOT 

The purpose of IIOT (Industrial Internet of Things), simply to say is to collect data from various devices for monitoring and control, and to share the data with other systems, so that to realize the Internet of things.
April 20, 2022

5 Applications of industrial Raspberry Pi usages as a soft PLC

Elastel EG500 is an industrial Edge computing Gateway designed for IoT applications. Powered by Raspberry Pi CM4 featured high-performance edge computing capabilities. It supports 6 DI, 6 DO, and […]
April 7, 2022

6 FAQ you should know about Industrial Raspberry PI

Q1: What is the difference between an industrial raspberry PI and a consumer raspberry PI? A1: Take the Elastel IoT Gateway EG500 series as an example […]